· Case Study · 2 min read
Sign Language App For Improved Communication And Accessibility
As part of a college project, our team developed a sign language translation app that uses flex sensors and an accelerometer gyroscope to capture hand movements and translate them into text. This project was aimed at making communication more accessible for the deaf community. We called it “Sign to Text”.
The system consists of a battery, a transmitter box, flex sensors, and an accelerometer gyroscope. The sensors are placed on a glove, and when the user signs, the sensors capture the hand movements, which are then transmitted to a phone app. The app uses machine learning algorithms to recognize the signs and translate them into text, which is displayed on the phone screen.
As the sole developer, I worked on developing the hardware and software components of the system. I used C to program the sensors and the transmitter box, respectively. I also developed the phone app using Microsoft Xamarin, a dotnet framework.
One of the main challenges of the project was developing a word library that accurately recognized signs. This required significant effort in training the machine learning algorithms and collecting a large dataset of sign language gestures.
Another challenge was designing the hardware components to be small and lightweight enough to be worn on a glove. We also had to ensure that the system was durable and could withstand daily use.
Despite the challenges, our team was able to develop a functional sign language translation system. The system was able to recognize and translate a limited set of signs accurately. However, we recognize that there is still much work to be done to improve the accuracy and functionality of the system.
Overall, this project was a valuable learning experience for me as a developer. It gave me the opportunity to work on a project with a real-world application and to learn about the challenges of developing hardware and software components. I am proud of what our team was able to accomplish, and I believe that this project has the potential to make a real impact in improving accessibility for the deaf community.
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